I Miss Los Angeles is a band created by André Fasbendair and Peter Exley, both independant song writers. Rapidly, Gilles Pemmers (ex-guitarist of the band Nervous Chilin') join the band to play the drums for some gigs and records. I Miss Los Angeles played its first concert at the Entrepôt (Arlon-Belgium) where the open the concert of Mark Gardener ; but actually, the band was called Fasbendair and play till 2003. Not really a concert band (they play rarely on stage), but most of all, an alternative rock band. Today, I MISS LOS ANGELES records and play some small when they feel confortable. The drummer who play with I MISS LOS ANGELES for the moment is Alain from the Band SARAH TUE-MOI.
Concert, le samedi 13/05/2006